Monday, May 11, 2009

Let's take a stand!

From Operation Save America

Using Violence to Silence the Gospel of Christ

Christian leaders from across the nation will gather in Washington, D.C., next Monday, May 18, 2009, to proclaim from the “gates of hell” (The White House, the United States Congress, and the United States Supreme Court) that Jesus Christ is still Lord of this once great nation.

The theology of the Church house will become biography in the streets of Washington, D.C., on Monday, May 18. The enemies of Christ are using “Hate Crimes” to silence our Christian voice.

“Though our President has recently announced that America is no longer a Christian nation; Though our Congress is presently busying itself with “Hate Crimes” legislation, in an attempt to silence the Gospel of Christ and shut the mouths of those who would proclaim it; Though our Supreme Court has sought to decriminalize every aberrant behavior known to man; Though the FBI, BATF, CIA, the Justice Department,, consider us terrorists; the Church of Jesus Christ will no longer remain a silent obsequious “little lamb” that has never found a cause for which it is willing to die.” Rev. Flip Benham, Director of Operation Save America.

We cannot and will not allow this satanic attack on the Word of God (Hate Crimes Bill) to go unchallenged. We will encourage our United States Senators to stand with Jesus, the Church of Jesus Christ, our Pilgrim Forefathers, and our Founding Fathers and oppose this foul piece of legislation. It was birthed in the very pit of hell. HR 1913, the House version of the “Hate Crimes” bill, was passed by a 249 -175 vote. It is now coming for a vote in the Senate as S.909. President Obama wants to sign this into law before Memorial Day.

Our children will suffer greatly if we do not stand! Yes, they will spend years in jail for speaking from the same Bible that we are able to speak freely from today. Is there not a cause?

“If you will not fight for the right when you can easily win without bloodshed. If you will not fight when your victory shall be sure and not too costly. You may come to a moment when you will have to fight with all odds against you and only a precarious chance for survival. There may be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no chance of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves.” Winston Churchill

What: Gospel Proclamation

Where: Washington, D.C. (White House, Capitol, Supreme Court)

When: Monday morning, May 18, 2009

Time: 11:00 AM


Contact: Dr. Pat McEwen (321) 431-3962 or (321)726-0444