Friday, June 27, 2008

Liv's first beach trip!

Here are some picture of Olivia's first trip to the beach! We had a great weekend in Atlantic beach (NC).

Long awaited pics!

Hey everyone- I know I must have the most boring blog out there! I don't post much and I never had any pictures up. Well no more my friend. Here is my family. Enjoy!

Here's Olivia fresh outta the oven!

Just minutes after the birth, you can tell we are just in awe of everything!

Not lookin' too happy!

I think she's in love with her daddy already!

Adam with his mom, Olivia's Grammy

With Grandpa Lawrence

Adam and my mom...or Nana

1 week old Olivia with her Uncle Charlie and Aunt Beth

With Granpa and Kitsy Tennant

Still in awe!

With Uncle Dustin.

With Aunt Ashlie and Cousin Chase

Monday, June 16, 2008

Watch out!

I don't know if many of you have heard of the Florida Outpouring. So many Christians are flocking to this but I want you all to check out this link! Adam and I both had a weird feeling when we saw him on TV, but this video is crazy. Listen to the Way of the Master Radio clips to; they are very informative. It's a great online radio program too! I just want you all to be aware.
Florida outpouring

Recipe of the week

This is one of Adam's favorites.

Lemon Chess Pie

4 eggs
1 2/3 cup sugar
1 1/2 tsp. lemon juice
1/3 cup butter
4 tbsp. milk
1 tablespoon + 1 teaspoon Vinegar
9 " pie crust

Mix all ingredients together and pour into pie crust. Bake at 350 for 40 minutes.
Also good served with whipped cream.

Hope this makes you laugh!