Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Reality Check

I have a sickening feeling in my stomach. I went over to the Voice of the Martyr's website and I really began to get a reality check. I take it for granted so many times the freedom we have here. Go to the website and read the stories of what other Christian's are going through for the Cause and Glory of Christ. My heart goes out to them and their families. But what is interesting is that while my heart may break for our fellow brother's and sister's in Christ, I'm sure many of them are broken about the spiritual condition of their persecutor...as God is also.
The thing is, while we enjoy our freedom here in America, it can be stripped away from us in an instant. We tell God so many times that we would do anything for Him. Would we risk being horribly tormented, rather than our Bibles be burned? Suppose some terrorist with a machete said to deny Christ or they would kill our children, could we stand for Christ? I just don't know. I do believe that if it came down to it, if our hearts are truly set on the Lord, some how, some way, He would give us a supernatural strength to stand. Thankfully, times like that are not here, right now. We may face what seems like persecution to us, but nothing compared to what many others across the world face. Some times it's hard to truly stand with lost family members or lost friends.
I am speaking to myself when I say we really need to start living in a way that is less selfish and self-glorifying. Stop being so concerned about materialism and being so self absorbed. We cannot live this Christian life in a half-hearted way. It is ALL or NOTHING.
My challenge to you (and myself):
1.Dig deeper in the Word of God and make time to pray everyday.
2.Pray for the persecuted church- read these stories and it's a sure way to get your eyes off of yourself.
3.Pray about what you can do to help or encourage these saints who are standing for Christ in other countries. The website will give you suggestions.
4.Every day we are given opportunities. Lift up Christ every chance you get. We may not have these freedoms forever. Use them while you can. That way, if those freedoms are ever stripped away, you will be able to stand no matter what. Even if you are threatened with horrible things, by God's grace you will continue to be able to stand your ground.

Ephesians 6:13 (New International Version)

Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand.


Monday, September 29, 2008


Hey everybody! Just wanted to share this with you. God has truly gifted my husband to write some really thought-provoking and God-honoring articles. I want to encourage you to read this article below. In case you didn't know, you can check out his blog on the right side of the screen ("If My People").
Be challenged by what you read.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

A MUST SEE movie!

I'm sure many of you have heard of the movie Fireproof. My sweetie and I went to see it on our date night last night. Everyone needs to go see this movie...especially couples. It's one you can totally leave the theater with a wonderful feeling, and being better having seen it. If your marriage is struggling, this movie offers hope. If your marriage is great, this movie can likely enhance it. For many reasons it truly is set apart from any Hollywood production, one being that to truly love your spouse, Christ must be the center. Go see it! NOW!

Here is the trailer

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

I'm Back!

Hey everyone! It's been a while, huh? As you can see, I'm not the best blogger out there! Not too consistent! We have been busy around here. Last week we were at the Isle of Palms and it was wonderful! The weather was great. The time with family was great. All the food was great. The date with my hubby was great. I didn't want to come home! I was telling my sister that anytime I have to leave from a vacation, I seriously get that homesick feeling. I don't know why, but I do. She said she gets it too. Is that just us or do you experience that too?
We came home Thursday and my sweetie still had a few days off so he began demolishing our back porch so that we can tun it into a deck. I think it will be so nice when it gets finished.
Sunday we had church in Charlotte. Our church along with some people from another church got together to take a stand when Mr. Obama came to town. People, this is a scary guy. His "followers"are scary too. But we must trust God. He is in control. No matter what comes, trust Him! Our family left around 2, but some hung around until 4. Here is a video of what happened after we left.

I don't know what lies ahead for us as a nation. Now more than ever, I feel I must have time with God daily. Now more than ever I feel compelled to read about the persecuted church, about martyrs. I want to finish this race well. I want to stand strong. I want to be an example to my baby girl, and show what it really means to have faith in Christ. I want to support my husband in the stand that he takes. I want him to know he must stand for Christ at all costs. That is a VERY hard thing to think about. But my comfort is in knowing that this is not our home. It won't be long. But knowing it won't be long makes us realize the great urgency in making sure we have done all we can to show Christ to lost family and friends. Oh how I wish we could MAKE them become children of God! Lord break our hearts!