Wednesday, September 24, 2008

I'm Back!

Hey everyone! It's been a while, huh? As you can see, I'm not the best blogger out there! Not too consistent! We have been busy around here. Last week we were at the Isle of Palms and it was wonderful! The weather was great. The time with family was great. All the food was great. The date with my hubby was great. I didn't want to come home! I was telling my sister that anytime I have to leave from a vacation, I seriously get that homesick feeling. I don't know why, but I do. She said she gets it too. Is that just us or do you experience that too?
We came home Thursday and my sweetie still had a few days off so he began demolishing our back porch so that we can tun it into a deck. I think it will be so nice when it gets finished.
Sunday we had church in Charlotte. Our church along with some people from another church got together to take a stand when Mr. Obama came to town. People, this is a scary guy. His "followers"are scary too. But we must trust God. He is in control. No matter what comes, trust Him! Our family left around 2, but some hung around until 4. Here is a video of what happened after we left.

I don't know what lies ahead for us as a nation. Now more than ever, I feel I must have time with God daily. Now more than ever I feel compelled to read about the persecuted church, about martyrs. I want to finish this race well. I want to stand strong. I want to be an example to my baby girl, and show what it really means to have faith in Christ. I want to support my husband in the stand that he takes. I want him to know he must stand for Christ at all costs. That is a VERY hard thing to think about. But my comfort is in knowing that this is not our home. It won't be long. But knowing it won't be long makes us realize the great urgency in making sure we have done all we can to show Christ to lost family and friends. Oh how I wish we could MAKE them become children of God! Lord break our hearts!

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