Wednesday, December 30, 2009

I'm back!

So it has been forever, it seems, since I have blogged about anything. Since my last rambling, we have been blessed with a precious little boy, Wesley. He is now 12 weeks old. What a joy he is!

Thanksgiving and Christmas were wonderful. We are blessed to have good families around us. We had good times of reflection and meditating on the birth and life of our Savior. Now on to 2010!

I am only 25, but it is crazy how fast time flies. I was thinking, it was was 10 years ago that everyone was all hyped up about Y2K! Remember that?? I guess I was 15 at the time and I remember being nervous about it...but, thank goodness...there was no problem.

Our newest endeavor is setting up a side business for my husband. He is an extremely talented artist. He has set up an Etsy site which you can view here
Adam plans on creating more generic stuff, but he does great custom montages as well. We are very excited about this!

Well, I hate to keep this so short, but I gotta tend to the kiddos!


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