Monday, June 16, 2008

Watch out!

I don't know if many of you have heard of the Florida Outpouring. So many Christians are flocking to this but I want you all to check out this link! Adam and I both had a weird feeling when we saw him on TV, but this video is crazy. Listen to the Way of the Master Radio clips to; they are very informative. It's a great online radio program too! I just want you all to be aware.
Florida outpouring

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks for your post. I have felt convicted to share the truth in this matter, having been involved with many of the "revival" antics over the past 15 years. Countless people who I know who attended also are today empty and not healed. To make matters worse, the so-called "enlightened" ones spew guilt on those who do not believe this show, blaming it on our lack of faith.

After posting to numerous blogs which spew this nonsense (in a kind, scriptual manner), my comments are immediately removed and I am blocked from commenting. How is that for allowing scrutiny of something they say is of God? Yet any dissent is immediately removed to keep their believers in the dark. Can you say cult?

God save us.