Friday, May 23, 2008

Just some thoughts-

Hey everyone! I can't believe it's Friday again already. I remember talking with my sister before Olivia came along and she told me that after you have a baby, you lose your concept of time. How true that is! My days just seem to run together. I am looking forward to the weekend!
Tomorrow we are headed to Fayetteville to see Adam's mom and then Sunday we head to Greensboro to see his brother Eric before he moves off to Milwaukee. Then back here Sunday so we can hopefully sleep in on Monday.
Yesterday, I heard the news about Steven Curtis Chapman's little girl Maria being killed in an accident. It really broke my heart. I guess that since we are all brothers and sisters in Christ,it really felt like this was someone that I knew. And now that I am a mom, I can't imagine the pain of losing a child. Let's all be sure to lift our brothers and sisters up in prayer. They will need it more than we can know.
Well I better get going! Lots to do today!
Til next time-

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